Season 3

Season 3


Time to read:

32 minutes
Season 3

Division 1

League Games

November 14 2000
Crown Electrics3 – 2Select
Gary Rolls 0
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
David Ellis 0
Jason Amour 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Select: Gary Davison; David Walker; Jason Amour; Kevin Davison (Michael Booth 15); Neil Pilkington (Tarnjit Sangha 15); David Ellis.
Durham Pine2 – 1Royal Mail Sunderland
Paul Richardson 0
Richie Curry 0
Anthony Langan 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Gary Ewart; Gary Ramsay; Dave Pitt; Richie Curry; Brian Gettins (Paul Richardson 15).
Royal Mail Sunderland: Mick Stockdale; Michael Boylen; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; David Pringle; Anthony Langan (Robert Staite 15).
Durham Pine2 – 0Sporting Redhouse
Brian Gettins 0
Brian Gettins 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Gary Ewart; Dale Storey (Brian Gettins 15); Paul Richardson; Richie Curry (Dave Pitt 15); Paul Thompson (Gary Ramsay 15).
Sporting Redhouse: David Appleby; David Duff; John Cairns; Neil Richardson; Paul Mouat; Simon Williams (Chris Haldane 15).
Slipway5 – 1JJB Sports
Richard Oliver 0
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
Richard Oliver 0
Richard Oliver 0
Alan Burn 0
Slipway: Mark Turnbull; Michael Mooney; William Mooney; Stephen Clark; Melvin Keith; Richard Oliver.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Craig Stafford; Lee Cudhey; Gary Tyzack.
November 22 2000
Royal Mail Sunderland5 – 2JJB Sports
Phil Shakespeare 0
Phil Shakespeare 0
David Pringle 0
David Pringle 0
Steve Lawson 0
Alan Burn 0
Alan Burn 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: Mick Stockdale; David Pringle; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; Michael Boylen; Phil Shakespeare (Ian Polly 15).
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Lee Cudhey; Gary Tyzack; David Pringle; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson.
Select5 – 1Slipway
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Mark Lawton 0
Michael Booth 0
Michael Booth 0
John Pybos 0
Select: Kevin Davison; Michael Booth; Tarnjit Sangha (Jason Amour 15); Simon Williams; Mark Lawton; John Cairns.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; William Mooney (John Pybos 15); Mark Turnbull; Barry Clark; Richard Oliver; Melvin Keith.
Sporting Redhouse4 – 0Herrenknecht
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Anthony Langan 0
Anthony Langan 0
Sporting Redhouse: Malcolm Harvey; Neil Richardson; Paul Mouat; David Duff; Anthony Richardson (Chris Haldane 15); Anthony Langan.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Paul Mitchell; Davinder Sangha; John Hunt; Christian Baines; Stephen Wilson.
Tyne Port5 – 1Bassenthwaite
Tom Monaghan 0
Chris Dixon 0
Chris Dixon 0
Tom Monaghan 0
Tom Monaghan 0
Barry Massey 0
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Chris Dixon; Phil Ross; Tom Monaghan (Phil McNerney 15); Chris Scott.
Bassenthwaite: David Blakey; Barry Massey; Gary Cummings; Lee Francis; Paul Huitson; Simon Burnside (Phil Beardmore 15).
December 07 2000
JJB Sports1 – 1Tyne Port
Alan Burn 0
Tom Monaghan 0
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Lee Cudhey; Chris Haldane; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson.
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Phil Ross (Chris Dixon 15); Chris Scott; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney.
January 09 2001
Durham Pine2 – 2JJB Sports
Paul Thompson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Alan Burn 0
Lee Cudhey 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Gary Ramsay (Paul Thompson 15); Peter Rackstraw; Gary Ewart (Brian Gettins 15); Paul Richardson; Richie Curry.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Lee Cudhey; Chris Haldane; Chris Brown.
Herrenknecht4 – 2Crown Electrics
Gavin Wilson 0
John Hunt 0
John Hunt 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Gary Rolls 0
Gary Rolls 0
Herrenknecht: Stephen Wilson; John Hunt; Gavin Wilson; Christian Baines; Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Jeff Clark; Gary Rolls; Dave Robason.
Select5 – 1Royal Mail Sunderland
John Cairns 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
David Pringle 0
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Trevor Walker; Tarnjit Sangha.
Royal Mail Sunderland: Mick Stockdale; Steve Lawson; David Pringle; John Thirwell; Michael Boylen (Robert Staite 15); Phil Shakespeare.
Slipway2 – 0Tyne Port
Paul Mooney 0
John Pybos 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Paul Mooney; Mark Turnbull (William Mooney 15); John Pybos (Joe Dove 15); Melvin Keith; Richard Oliver.
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney; Chris Dixon; Phil Ross.
Sporting Redhouse7 – 2Bassenthwaite
Neil Richardson 0
Paul Mouat 0
David Duff 0
Anthony Richardson 0
Anthony Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Anthony Langan 0 Pen
Sean Ward 0
Carl Jarvis 0
Sporting Redhouse: Malcolm Harvey; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Neil Richardson; Paul Mouat; Anthony Richardson (Craig Richardson 15).
Bassenthwaite: Richard Borrowdale; Sean Ward; Lee Francis; Mark Kierney; Carl Jarvis; Paul Huitson.
January 16 2001
Crown Electrics1 – 1Slipway
John Wardle 0
Paul Anthony Mooney 0
Crown Electrics: Steve Stubbs; Gary Rolls; Sean Forrest; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Dave Robason.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; William Mooney (Michael Mooney 15); Paul Anthony Mooney; Joe Dove; Paul Mooney; Richard Oliver.
Durham Pine4 – 1Bassenthwaite
Richie Curry 0
Gary Ramsay 0
Paul Richardson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Barry Massey 0
Durham Pine: Peter Carty; Gary Ramsay; Peter Rackstraw; Dave Pitt; Richie Curry (Paul Richardson 15); Brian Gettins (Dale Storey 15).
Bassenthwaite: Carl Jarvis; Barry Massey; Paul Huitson; Sean Ward; Lee Francis; Lee Jarvis.
Select5 – 0JJB Sports
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Simon Williams 0
Simon Williams 0
Mark Lawton 0
Select: Gary Davison; Graham Smith; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Paul Lawton (Joe Middleton 15).
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Lee Cudhey; Chris Haldane; Laurence Joiner.
Tyne Port3 – 3Sporting Redhouse
Chris Dixon 0
Phil McNerney 0
Phil McNerney 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Phil Ross; Phil McNerney; Chris Dixon; Tom Monaghan.
Sporting Redhouse: Malcolm Harvey; David Duff; Michael Duggan; Neil Richardson; Anthony Langan; Anthony Richardson; Craig Richardson (Anthony Richardson 15).
January 23 2001
Herrenknecht0 – 3Slipway
Richard Oliver 0
Joe Dove 0
Melvin Keith 0
Herrenknecht: Davinder Sangha; Christian Baines; Gavin Wilson; John Hunt; Paul Mitchell; Stephen Wilson.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Michael Mooney (John Pybos 15); Richard Oliver (Mark Turnbull 15); Joe Dove; Paul Anthony Mooney; Melvin Keith.
January 30 2001
JJB Sports2 – 5Durham Pine
Lee Cudhey 0
Lee Cudhey 0 Pen
Paul Richardson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Peter Rackstraw 0
Brian Gettins 0
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Chris Haldane; Craig Henderson; Craig Stafford; Lee Cudhey.
Durham Pine: Paul Thompson; Gary Ramsay; Peter Rackstraw; Brian Gettins; Gary Ewart; Paul Richardson.
Sporting Redhouse2 – 0Royal Mail Sunderland
David Duff 0
Anthony Langan 0
Sporting Redhouse: Paul Stoker; Anthony Langan; Anthony Richardson (Michael Duggan 15); Craig Richardson; David Duff; Paul Mouat.
Royal Mail Sunderland: Mick Stockdale; John Thirwell; David Pringle; Steve Lawson; Michael Boylen; Gavin Thompson.
February 09 2001
Crown Electrics4 – 0Royal Mail Sunderland
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
Gary Rolls 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Dave Robason (Steve Stubbs 15).
Royal Mail Sunderland: John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; David Pringle; Michael Boylen; Gavin Thompson (Robert Staite 15); Paul Imeson (Ian Polly 15).
Herrenknecht6 – 2JJB Sports
Tommy Wilkinson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Alan Burn 0
Alan Burn 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Lee Francis; Gordon Robson; Graham Smith; Tommy Wilkinson.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Lee Cudhey; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Jonathan Ward (Chris Haldane 15).
Slipway2 – 2Sporting Redhouse
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
David Duff 0
Anthony Langan 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Mark Turnbull; Stephen Clark; William Mooney; Melvin Keith; John Pybos.
Sporting Redhouse: Paul Stoker; Anthony Richardson; David Duff; Paul Mouat; Anthony Langan; Craig Richardson.
Tyne Port1 – 0Durham Pine
Phil McNerney 0
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren (Tom Monaghan 15); Phil Ross; Chris Scott; Chris Dixon; Phil McNerney.
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Gary Ramsay; Gary Ewart; Brian Gettins (Dave Pitt 15); Paul Thompson; Richie Curry.
February 13 2001
Durham Pine4 – 1Herrenknecht
Peter Rackstraw 0
Brian Gettins 0
Paul Thompson 0
Paul Thompson 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Brian Gettins; Paul Thompson; Paul Richardson; Peter Rackstraw; Gary Ramsay.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Graham Smith; Gordon Robson; Lee Francis; Steve Sinnott (Stephen Wilson 15).
Select6 – 1Bassenthwaite
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Simon Williams 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Select: Gary Davison; Tarnjit Sangha; Simon Williams; John Hunt; John Cairns; Mark Lawton.
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Ryan MacNaught; Chris Haldane; Gary Jackson; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson.
Sporting Redhouse3 – 1JJB Sports
Anthony Langan 0
John Foster 0
Anthony Langan 0
Lee Cudhey 0
Sporting Redhouse: Anthony Richardson; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Michael Duggan; John Foster; David Appleby.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Jonathan Ward; Lee Cudhey; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson.
Tyne Port6 – 0Royal Mail Sunderland
Chris Dixon 0
Chris Dixon 0
Dave McLaren 0
Tom Monaghan 0
Phil McNerney 0
Chris Dixon 0
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Phil Ross; Chris Scott (Phil McNerney 15); Tom Monaghan; Chris Dixon.
Royal Mail Sunderland: Trevor Butler; Steve Lawson; David Pringle; John Thirwell; Michael Boylen; Robert Staite.
February 20 2001
Bassenthwaite4 – 2Slipway
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Ryan MacNaught 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Stephen Bennett; Ryan MacNaught; Chris Haldane; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Michael Mooney (Joe Dove 15); Mark Turnbull; Paul Anthony Mooney; William Mooney; Melvin Keith.
Crown Electrics8 – 0JJB Sports
John Wardle 0
Gary Rolls 0
Gary Rolls 0
John Wardle 0
Gary Rolls 0
Gary Rolls 0
Sean Forrest 0
John Wardle 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Jeff Clark; Sean Forrest; Dave Robason; John Wardle; Gary Rolls.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Joe Dennis; Craig Stafford; Jonathan Ward; Craig Henderson.
Herrenknecht2 – 1Sporting Redhouse
Lee Francis 0
Graham Smith 0
Anthony Langan 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Graham Smith; Lee Francis; Gordon Robson; Stephen Wilson.
Sporting Redhouse: Paul Stoker; Anthony Richardson; Anthony Langan; Paul Mouat; David Duff; Michael Duggan (Neil Richardson 15).
Select2 – 2Tyne Port
Simon Williams 0 Pen
Dave McLaren 0 og
Phil McNerney 0
Phil McNerney 0
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Tarnjit Sangha; John Hunt.
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney; Dave McLaren; Phil Ross; Chris Dixon.
March 06 2001
Herrenknecht4 – 1Tyne Port
Graham Smith 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Chris Dixon 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Gordon Robson; Graham Smith; Lee Francis; Stephen Wilson.
Tyne Port: Ed Cook; Dave McLaren; Chris Dixon; Phil Ross; Tom Monaghan; Darren Duggan.
Royal Mail Sunderland2 – 3Select
Steve Lawson 0
David Pringle 0
John Cairns 0
Simon Williams 0
Mark Lawton 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; David Pringle (Neil Richardson 15); Michael Boylen; Robert Staite (Gareth Stoker 15); Steve Lawson.
Select: Gary Davison; John Hunt; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Tarnjit Sangha; John Cairns.
Slipway3 – 2Bassenthwaite
Paul Mooney 0
Richard Oliver 0
Melvin Keith 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Slipway: Mark Turnbull; Paul Anthony Mooney; Richard Oliver; John Pybos (William Mooney 15); Andrew Robinson (Michael Mooney 15); Melvin Keith.
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Stephen Bennett; Ryan MacNaught; Marc Baker; Gavin Cogdon; Stephen Jackson.
March 13 2001
Bassenthwaite6 – 1JJB Sports
Stephen Jackson 0
Gavin Cogdon 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Marc Baker 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Lee Cudhey 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Chris Haldane; Ryan MacNaught; Marc Baker; Gavin Cogdon; Stephen Jackson.
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Lee Cudhey; Craig Stafford; John Smith.
Crown Electrics2 – 1Durham Pine
Gary Rolls 0
John Wardle 0
Paul Thompson 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Sean Forrest; John Wardle; Jeff Clark; Gary Rolls; Dave Robason.
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Gary Ramsay; Paul Richardson; Paul Thompson.
Royal Mail Sunderland1 – 0Herrenknecht
Neil Richardson 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: Jamie Fleming; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; David Pringle; Paul Imeson (Neil Richardson 15); Gavin Thompson (Michael Boylen 15).
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Graham Smith; Lee Francis; Gordon Robson; Steve Sinnott; Stephen Wilson.
Slipway1 – 3Select
George Lavelli 0
Mark Banks 0
Mark Banks 0
Mark Banks 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Richard Oliver; Mark Turnbull; George Lavelli; Paul Mooney; Ossie Baker (Melvin Keith 15).
Select: Gary Davison; Tarnjit Sangha; Mark Lawton; John Hunt; John Cairns; Mark Banks.
March 20 2001
Bassenthwaite4 – 1Durham Pine
Chris Haldane 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Gary Ewart 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Stephen Bennett; Stephen Jackson; Ryan MacNaught; Chris Haldane; Marc Baker.
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Brian Gettins; Dale Storey; Gary Ewart; Paul Thompson; Peter Rackstraw.
Crown Electrics1 – 0Sporting Redhouse
John Wardle 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Sporting Redhouse: Anthony Mouat; Paul Mouat; Michael Duggan; David Duff; Paul Stoker; Craig Richardson.
Royal Mail Sunderland1 – 0Slipway
Neil Richardson 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: Michael Boylen; David Pringle; Neil Richardson.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Andrew Robinson; Melvin Keith; Paul Anthony Mooney; John Pybos (William Mooney 15); Mark Turnbull.
March 27 2001
JJB Sports1 – 2Slipway
Craig Henderson 0
Melvin Keith 0
George Lavelli 0
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Craig Stafford; Lee Cudhey; Gary Brown.
Slipway: Mark Turnbull; John Pybos; George Lavelli; Ossie Baker; Michael Mooney; Melvin Keith.
Select4 – 0Durham Pine
Stephen Wilson 0
Simon Williams 0
Simon Williams 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; John Hunt; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Stephen Wilson.
Durham Pine: Eddy Lavender; Brian Gettins; Dale Storey; Paul Thompson; Gary Ewart; Gary Davison.
April 03 2001
Bassenthwaite3 – 2Herrenknecht
Stephen Jackson 0
Gavin Cogdon 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Darren Duggan 0
Joe Thompson 0
Bassenthwaite: Marc Baker; Chris Haldane; Gavin Cogdon; Lee Redford; Stephen Bennett; Stephen Jackson.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Joe Thompson; Gordon Robson; Darren Duggan; Gary Duggan; Davinder Sangha.
Durham Pine2 – 0Slipway
Brian Gettins 0
Paul Thompson 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Paul Thompson; Brian Gettins; Gary Ewart; Dale Storey; Paul Richardson.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Mark Turnbull; John Pybos (Andrew Robinson 15); Paul Anthony Mooney; Melvin Keith; Karl Prudhoe (Michael Mooney 15).
JJB Sports0 – 0Crown Electrics
JJB Sports: Paul Burn; Alan Burn; Craig Henderson; Craig Stafford; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
April 10 2001
Bassenthwaite3 – 1Sporting Redhouse
Neil Middlemiss 0
Marc Baker 0
Marc Baker 0
John Richardson 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Stephen Bennett; Chris Haldane; Marc Baker; Lee Redford; Neil Middlemiss.
Sporting Redhouse: Anthony Mouat; Paul Stoker; Keith Mouat; John Hanson (Keith Mouat 15); John Wilson; David Smith; John Richardson.
April 17 2001
Bassenthwaite3 – 1Crown Electrics
Lee Redford 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Marc Baker 0
John Wardle 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Stephen Bennett; Chris Haldane; Marc Baker; Lee Redford; Stephen Jackson.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Steve Stubbs; John Wardle; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark.
Select5 – 1Sporting Redhouse
Simon Williams 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Stephen Wilson 0
David Smith 0
Select: Gary Davison; Tarnjit Sangha; Stephen Wilson; Simon Williams; Mark Lawton; John Cairns.
Sporting Redhouse: Paul Stoker; John Foster; John Wilson; David Smith; Keith Mouat; Anthony Mouat.
Slipway3 – 0Herrenknecht
Melvin Keith 0
Michael Mooney 0
Melvin Keith 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Michael Mooney; Melvin Keith; Mark Turnbull; John Pybos.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Gordon Robson; Nicky Pemberton (Darren Duggan 15); Gary Duggan; Anthony Richardson.
April 24 2001
Bassenthwaite4 – 0Tyne Port
Stephen Jackson 0
Lee Redford 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Lee Redford 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Stephen Bennett; Chris Haldane.
Tyne Port: Chris Dixon; Chris Scott; Ed Cook; Phil Ross; Tom Monaghan; Kevin Robinson.
JJB Sports2 – 4Herrenknecht
Alan Burn 0
Lee Cudhey 0
Gordon Robson 0
Anthony Richardson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
JJB Sports: David Barnes; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Davinder Sangha; Gordon Robson; Steve Ridley; Anthony Richardson; David Duff.
Select5 – 2Crown Electrics
Simon Williams 0
Simon Williams 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Mark Blakey 0
John Cairns 0
Sean Forrest 0
John Wardle 0
Select: Gary Davison; Tarnjit Sangha (John Hunt 15); Stephen Wilson; Simon Williams; John Cairns; Mark Blakey.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Steve Stubbs.
Slipway1 – 3Crown Electrics
Melvin Keith 0
John Wardle 0
Sean Forrest 0
Steve Stubbs 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; John Pybos; Mark Turnbull; Melvin Keith; Joe Dove; Michael Mooney.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Steve Stubbs.
May 01 2001
Durham Pine2 – 1Tyne Port
Paul Thompson 0
Paul Thompson 0
Ed Cook 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Brian Gettins; Dale Storey; Richie Carr (Steve Smith 15); Paul Thompson; Gary Ewart.
Tyne Port: Mark Whittaker; Chris Dixon; Chris Scott; Tom Monaghan; Phil Ross; Ed Cook.
Herrenknecht0 – 1Select
John Cairns 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Richardson (Anthony Langan 15); David Duff; Gordon Robson; Steve Ridley; Davinder Sangha.
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; John Hunt; Simon Williams; Mark Lawton; Tarnjit Sangha.
Royal Mail Sunderland2 – 0Crown Electrics
David Pringle 0
David Pringle 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; Michael Boylen; David Pringle (Phil Shakespeare 15); Steve Lawson (Robert Staite 15); John Thirwell; Neil Richardson.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
May 08 2001
Durham Pine1 – 2Crown Electrics
Richie Carr 0
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
Durham Pine: Brian Gettins; Dale Storey; Richie Carr (Steve Smith 15); Paul Thompson (Peter Rackstraw 15); Gary Ewart; Peter Carty.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Herrenknecht4 – 2Bassenthwaite
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Anthony Langan 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Davinder Sangha; Gordon Robson; Steve Ridley.
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Stephen Bennett; Chris Haldane.
JJB Sports1 – 4Royal Mail Sunderland
Alan Burn 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
JJB Sports: David Barnes; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey.
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; David Pringle (Phil Shakespeare 15); Michael Boylen (Robert Staite 15); Neil Richardson.
Sporting Redhouse2 – 0Slipway
Micky Foster 0
Darren Duggan 0
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Steve Bryan; Nicky Pemberton; Micky Foster; Darren Duggan; Paul Coburn.
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Stephen Clark; Mark Turnbull; Melvin Keith; William Mooney; John Pybos.
Tyne Port2 – 3Select
Chris Dixon 0
Chris Scott 0
Mark Lawton 0
Stephen Wilson 0
John Cairns 0
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Dave McLaren; Chris Scott; Ed Cook; Phil Ross; Tom Monaghan (Chris Dixon 15).
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; John Hunt; Mark Blakey; Mark Lawton; Stephen Wilson.
May 15 2001
Bassenthwaite3 – 2Royal Mail Sunderland
Stephen Jackson 0
Lee Redford 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Chris Haldane; Alan Elliot.
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; Phil Shakespeare; Steve Lawson; Michael Boylen; John Thirwell; Neil Richardson.
Crown Electrics2 – 0Herrenknecht
John Wardle 0
Steve Stubbs 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason (Steve Stubbs 15); Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Davinder Sangha; Steve Ridley; Anthony Richardson.
Durham Pine2 – 2Select
Paul Richardson 0
Dale Storey 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Brian Gettins; Dale Storey (Steve Smith 15); Gary Ewart; Richie Carr; Paul Richardson.
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; John Hunt; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Stephen Wilson.
Tyne Port2 – 0Slipway
Chris Dixon 0
Chris Dixon 0
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Chris Scott; Dave McLaren; Ed Cook; Phil Ross (Chris Dixon 15); Tom Monaghan.
Slipway: Mark Turnbull; Michael Mooney; Melvin Keith; Stephen Clark; Joe Dove.
May 22 2001
Crown Electrics1 – 1Tyne Port
Gary Rolls 0
Chris Scott 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Chris Scott; Dave McLaren (Ed Cook 15); Phil Ross; Tom Monaghan; Chris Dixon.
Herrenknecht0 – 5Royal Mail Sunderland
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Phil Shakespeare 0
David Pringle 0
Steve Lawson 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Davinder Sangha; Steve Ridley; Gary Gilby.
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; Alan Lawson; David Pringle; Neil Richardson (Phil Shakespeare 15).
JJB Sports1 – 3Bassenthwaite
Alan Burn 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Stephen Jackson 0
Chris Haldane 0
JJB Sports: David Barnes; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey.
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Alan Elliot (Chris Haldane 15); Stephen Bennett.
Sporting Redhouse0 – 4Select
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Nicky Pemberton; Paul Coburn; Micky Foster; Steve Bryan; Steven Scott (Gavin Watson 15).
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Stephen Wilson; Mark Blakey; John Hunt.
May 29 2001
JJB Sports1 – 5Select
Alan Burn 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Stephen Wilson 0
Simon Williams 0
Stephen Wilson 0
JJB Sports: David Barnes; Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey.
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; Stephen Wilson; John Hunt.
Royal Mail Sunderland1 – 0Bassenthwaite
David Pringle 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; Alan Lawson; David Pringle; Neil Richardson.
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Alan Elliot; Chris Haldane.
Sporting Redhouse2 – 2Crown Electrics
Nicky Pemberton 0
John Young 0
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Nicky Pemberton; Paul Coburn; Micky Foster; Steve Bryan; Steven Scott; Dave Callaghan; Alan Baxter; John Young.
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Dave Robason; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark (Steve Stubbs 15); John Wardle; Sean Forrest.
Tyne Port2 – 1Herrenknecht
Phil McNerney 0
Phil McNerney 0
Gordon Robson 0
Tyne Port: Chris Scott; Dave McLaren; Ed Cook; Phil Ross; Chris Dixon; Phil McNerney.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Davinder Sangha; Steve Ridley; Gordon Robson.
June 05 2001
Crown Electrics3 – 1Bassenthwaite
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
John Wardle 0
Lee Redford 0
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Steve Stubbs (Paul Gibson 15).
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Lee Redford; Marc Baker; Stephen Jackson; Chris Haldane; Alan Elliot.
Royal Mail Sunderland3 – 0Sporting Redhouse
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell (Michael Boylen 15); Steve Lawson; Alan Lawson; David Pringle; Neil Richardson.
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Nicky Pemberton; Paul Coburn; Steve Bryan; Steven Scott; Alan Baxter.
Slipway5 – 4Durham Pine
Joe Dove 0
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
Melvin Keith 0
Paul Richardson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Paul Thompson 0
Peter Rackstraw 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Melvin Keith.
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Peter Rackstraw; Gary Ewart (Paul Thompson 15); Paul Richardson; Brian Gettins; Dale Storey (Gary Ramsay 15).
June 12 2001
Bassenthwaite2 – 4Select
Gavin Cogdon 0
Gavin Cogdon 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
John Cairns 0
Mark Lawton 0
Bassenthwaite: Chris Conifey; Marc Baker; Chris Haldane; Alan Elliot; Gavin Cogdon; Ryan MacNaught.
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; John Hunt.
JJB Sports0 – 1Sporting Redhouse
Derek Newton 0
JJB Sports: Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Lee Cudhey; Paul Burn.
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Alan Baxter; Paul Coburn (Dave Callaghan 15); Steve Bryan; Davie Forbister; Nicky Pemberton (Derek Newton 15).
Royal Mail Sunderland3 – 0Durham Pine
John Thirwell 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell (Michael Boylen 15); Steve Lawson; Alan Lawson; David Pringle; Neil Richardson.
Tyne Port2 – 1Crown Electrics
Chris Dixon 0 Pen
Chris Dixon 0
John Wardle 0
Tyne Port: Dave McLaren; Ed Cook; Phil Ross; Phil McNerney; Malcolm Harvey; Tom Monaghan (Chris Dixon 15).
Crown Electrics: Paul Martin; Gary Rolls; Jeff Clark; John Wardle; Sean Forrest; Dave Robason.
June 19 2001
Herrenknecht6 – 1Durham Pine
Anthony Richardson 0
Gordon Robson 0
Anthony Langan 0
Anthony Langan 0
Anthony Langan 0
Gordon Robson 0
Paul Richardson 0
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Steve Ridley; Gordon Robson; Anthony Richardson.
Durham Pine: Steve Smith; Peter Rackstraw; Paul Thompson; Brian Gettins; Paul Richardson; Dale Storey.
Slipway1 – 4Royal Mail Sunderland
Melvin Keith 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Slipway: Stephen Keith; Mark Turnbull (William Mooney 15); John Pybos (Paul Anthony Mooney 15); Joe Dove; Melvin Keith; Paul Mooney.
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson; Alan Lawson; David Pringle (Michael Boylen 15); Neil Richardson.
Sporting Redhouse1 – 2Tyne Port
Nicky Pemberton 0
Ed Cook 0
Phil McNerney 0
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Alan Baxter; Paul Coburn; Davie Forbister; Nicky Pemberton; John Anderson.
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Dave McLaren; Ed Cook (Chris Dixon 15); Chris Scott; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney.
Tyne Port3 – 0JJB Sports
Phil McNerney 0
Phil McNerney 0
Phil McNerney 0
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Dave McLaren; Chris Dixon; Chris Scott; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney.
JJB Sports: Craig Stafford; Craig Henderson; Alan Burn; Gary Brown; Paul Burn; James Propicis.
June 26 2001
Royal Mail Sunderland3 – 2Tyne Port
David Pringle 0
Neil Richardson 0
Neil Richardson 0
Chris Dixon 0
Phil McNerney 0
Royal Mail Sunderland: David McGrath; John Thirwell; Steve Lawson (Michael Boylen 15); Alan Lawson; David Pringle; Neil Richardson.
Tyne Port: Malcolm Harvey; Dave McLaren; Tom Monaghan; Phil McNerney; Chris Dixon; Phil Ross.
Select3 – 4Herrenknecht
Simon Williams 0
John Cairns 0
John Hunt 0
Steve Ridley 0
Anthony Langan 0
Anthony Langan 0
Anthony Langan 0
Select: Gary Davison; John Cairns; Mark Lawton; Simon Williams; John Hunt; Gavin Greener.
Herrenknecht: Chris Garrett; Anthony Langan; David Duff; Steve Ridley; Gordon Robson; Anthony Richardson.
Sporting Redhouse2 – 3Durham Pine
Steve Bryan 0
Steve Bryan 0
Paul Richardson 0
Brian Gettins 0
Brian Gettins 0
Sporting Redhouse: Tommy McHenry; Paul Coburn; Davie Forbister; Darren Duggan (John Anderson 15); Dave Callaghan; Steve Bryan.
Durham Pine: Alfie Turner; Brian Gettins; Gary Ewart; Paul Richardson; Paul Thompson; Peter Rackstraw.
SFL Season 3 Division 1
2Royal Mail Sunderland1811073831733
3Crown Electrics1894538261231
4Tyne Port188463629728
6Durham Pine188283639-326
9Sporting Redhouse186393235-321
10JJB Sports1803151868-503

League Games

November 14 2000
CDS Security1 – 1Redhouse WMC
Shaun Hope 0
Scott Harrison 0
CDS Security: Mark Findlay; Shaun Hope; Steve Dunn; Alan Richardson; Chris Exley; David Mordecai (Wayne Potts 15).
Redhouse WMC: Ian Tench; Paul Duggan (Darren Sullivan 15); Marc Foster; Stewart Wright (Peter Stevenson 15); Mick Lovstad (Stuart Ramshaw 15); Scott Harrison.
Sex & Chocolate3 – 0Kail & Co. Ltd
Neil Morris 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Sex & Chocolate: Davinder Sangha; Dave Gourlay; Bez Bertram; Chris Wray; Neil Morris; Samir Selimovic.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Adam Laidler; Andrew Lawson; Neil Mavin; Peter Foggin; Robert Schonewald; Stephen McBride.
Team Coulson8 – 1University of Sunderland
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Jordan Ford 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Sean Hodgson; Barry Lambert; Trevor Walker; Jason Kelsey; Russell Coulson (Mark Kelsey 15).
University of Sunderland: Kevin Barke; Michael Saunders; Jordan Ford; Jamie Tucker; Andrew Patrick; Paul Sheppard.
November 22 2000
CDS Security2 – 2Lance Roberts
Shaun Hope 0
Chris Exley 0
David Mordey 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
CDS Security: Mark Findlay; Neil Riley; Shaun Hope; Steve Dunn (David Mordecai 15); Wayne Potts; Chris Exley.
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Neil Middlemiss; Mark Muers; David Mordey; Mark Baker; Danny Knight.
Sex & Chocolate5 – 0Redhouse WMC
Samir Selimovic 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Chris Wray; Neil Morris; Peter Daykin; Samir Selimovic; Dave Gourlay.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Peter Stevenson; Marc Foster; Kevin Simpson; Stuart Ramshaw; Stewart Wright; Darren Sullivan; Paul Duggan.
Team Coulson7 – 0Kail & Co. Ltd
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Jason Kelsey (Mark Kelsey 15); Barry Lambert; Sean Hodgson; Trevor Walker; Russell Coulson.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Neil Mavin; Dave Sandy; Adam Laidler (Andrew Lawson 15); Peter Foggin (Robert Schonewald 15); George Hanson; Stephen McBride.
December 07 2000
Team Coulson3 – 1Lance Roberts
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Sent Off: Russell Coulson 30
Danny Knight 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey; Russell Coulson; Sean Hodgson; Trevor Walker.
Lance Roberts: David Mordey; Mark Baker; Danny Knight; Kevin Parken; Neil Middlemiss; Tony Middleton.
January 09 2001
Sex & Chocolate3 – 0CDS Security
Neil Morris 0
Peter Daykin 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Neil Morris; Peter Daykin; Samir Selimovic; Chris Wray; Dave Gourlay.
CDS Security: Mark Findlay; Steve Dunn; Shaun Hope; Neil Riley; Chris Exley.
January 16 2001
Lance Roberts4 – 2University of Sunderland
Neil Middlemiss 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
Mark Muers 0
Gavin Rackstraw 0
Lee Breheny 0
Lee Breheny 0
Lance Roberts: Tony Middleton; Gavin Rackstraw; Mark Baker; Kevin Parken; Neil Middlemiss; Mark Muers.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; Michael Booth; Lee Breheny; David Mordecai; Michael Smillie; Neil Pilkington.
January 30 2001
ALS2 – 2CDS Security
Chris Jones 0
Simon Brown 0
Chris Exley 0
Chris Exley 0 Pen
ALS: Matts Glenne; Adam Clark; Tomas Fjeldheim; Øeystein Petterson; Chris Jones; Simon Brown.
CDS Security: Mark Findlay; Tarnjit Sangha; Steve Dunn; Shaun Hope; Chris Exley; Neil Riley.
Kail & Co. Ltd2 – 1Redhouse WMC
Neil Mavin 0
Andrew Lawson 0
Mick Lovstad 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Stephen McBride; Neil Mavin; Robert Schonewald; Andrew Lawson; Dave Sandy.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Paul Lovstad; Mick Lovstad; Stewart Wright; Scott Harrison; Marc Foster.
February 09 2001
ALS3 – 1Kail & Co. Ltd
Chris Jones 0
Chris Jones 0
Simon Brown 0
Robert Schonewald 0
ALS: Matts Glenne; Daniel Clark; Frode Paulsen; Chris Jones; Øeystein Petterson; Simon Brown (Geoff Moorehouse 15).
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Robert Schonewald; Dave Sandy; Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson; Stephen McBride.
Redhouse WMC1 – 0CDS Security
Paul Lovstad 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Paul Lovstad; Marc Foster; Kevin Simpson; Stewart Wright; Stuart Ramshaw.
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Chris Exley; Neil Riley; Wayne Potts; John Hunt; Mark Findlay.
Team Coulson3 – 1Sex & Chocolate
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Gavin Wilson 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Mark Kelsey; Jason Amour; Gavin Wilson; Trevor Walker; Jason Kelsey.
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Dave Gourlay; Chris Wray; Samir Selimovic; Peter Daykin; Neil Morris.
February 13 2001
CDS Security1 – 1Kail & Co. Ltd
Shaun Hope 0
Robert Schonewald 0
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Steve Dunn; Wayne Potts; Shaun Hope; Chris Exley (Mark Findlay 15); Neil Riley.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Stephen McBride; Andrew Lawson; Neil Mavin; Peter Foggin; Robert Schonewald.
Lance Roberts1 – 1Redhouse WMC
Scott Hembrough 0
Mick Lovstad 0
Lance Roberts: David Mordey; Neil Middlemiss; Chris Middlemiss; Kevin Parken; Mark Muers; Scott Hembrough.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Marc Foster; Mick Lovstad; Scott Harrison; Paul Lovstad; Stewart Wright (Stuart Ramshaw 15).
Sex & Chocolate3 – 0University of Sunderland
Dave Gourlay 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Dave Gourlay; Chris Wray; Peter Daykin; Samir Selimovic; Chris Jones.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson; Michael Booth; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell; David Ellis.
February 20 2001
ALS0 – 4Sex & Chocolate
Samir Selimovic 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Chris Wray 0
ALS: Adam Clark; Daniel Clark; Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Chris Jones; Simon Brown.
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Chris Wray; Peter Daykin; Neil Morris; Dave Gourlay; Samir Selimovic.
Lance Roberts1 – 2CDS Security
Yellow Card: Scott Hembrough
Neil Middlemiss 0
Shaun Hope 0
Chris Exley 0 Pen
Yellow Card: Neil Riley
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Scott Hembrough (Mark Muers 15); Gavin Rackstraw; Neil Middlemiss; Chris Middlemiss; David Mordey.
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Shaun Hope; Wayne Potts; Chris Exley; Neil Riley.
Team Coulson4 – 2Redhouse WMC
Sean Hodgson 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Mick Lovstad 0
Stewart Wright 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Sean Hodgson; Jason Kelsey; Trevor Walker; Jason Amour (Mark Kelsey 15); Gavin Wilson.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Mick Lovstad; Marc Foster; Paul Lovstad; Stewart Wright; Stuart Ramshaw (Kevin Simpson 15).
March 06 2001
CDS Security0 – 2University of Sunderland
George Hanson 0
Michael Booth 0
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Wayne Potts; Chris Exley; Neil Riley.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson; David Mordecai; Michael Booth; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell.
Kail & Co. Ltd0 – 8Team Coulson
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Stephen McBride; Dave Sandy; Andrew Lawson; Neil Mavin; Robert Schonewald.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Barry Lambert; Jason Kelsey; Gavin Wilson; Trevor Walker; Sean Hodgson (Mark Kelsey 15).
Lance Roberts3 – 2Sex & Chocolate
Neil Middlemiss 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
Mark Muers 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Lance Roberts: Gavin Rackstraw; David Mordey; Chris Middlemiss; Mark Muers; Neil Middlemiss; Scott Hembrough.
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Dave Gourlay; Chris Wray; Neil Morris; Peter Daykin; Samir Selimovic.
March 13 2001
ALS0 – 0University of Sunderland
ALS: Matts Glenne; Henrik Jagels; Daniel Clark; Øeystein Petterson; Simon Brown; Chris Jones.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; David Ellis; David Mordecai; Paul Mitchell; Neil Pilkington; Michael Booth.
Team Coulson2 – 0CDS Security
Jason Kelsey 0
Trevor Walker 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Barry Lambert; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey (Russell Coulson 15); Trevor Walker.
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Wayne Potts; Chris Exley; Neil Riley; Shaun Hope.
March 20 2001
Kail & Co. Ltd0 – 1University of Sunderland
Michael Booth 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Andrew Lawson; Robert Schonewald; Peter Foggin; Neil Mavin; Stephen McBride.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson; Michael Booth; Michael Smillie; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell.
Redhouse WMC1 – 2Lance Roberts
Stewart Wright 0
Mark Muers 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Marc Foster; Paul Lovstad (Paul Duggan 15); Stewart Wright; Stuart Ramshaw; Peter Stevenson (Lance Foster 15).
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Chris Ord; David Mordey; Chris Middlemiss; Mark Muers; Chris Devlin (Neil Middlemiss 15).
March 27 2001
Redhouse WMC1 – 0ALS
Paul Lovstad 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Marc Foster; Mick Lovstad; Scott Harrison (Stuart Ramshaw 15); Stewart Wright; Paul Lovstad.
ALS: Matts Glenne; Henrik Jagels; Daniel Clark; Øeystein Petterson; Chris Jones; Simon Brown.
University of Sunderland4 – 1Sex & Chocolate
George Hanson 0
Michael Booth 0
David Ellis 0
David Ellis 0
Peter Daykin 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; David Ellis; Michael Booth; Michael Smillie; Paul Mitchell; George Hanson.
Sex & Chocolate: Adam Clark; Niall Howe; Dave Gourlay; Chris Wray; Samir Selimovic; Peter Daykin.
April 03 2001
CDS Security0 – 6Team Coulson
Gavin Wilson 0
Barry Lambert 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Gavin Wilson 0
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Chris Exley; Shaun Hope; Neil Riley (Steve Dunn 15); Wayne Potts.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Jason Kelsey; Russell Coulson; Trevor Walker; Gavin Wilson; Barry Lambert.
April 17 2001
Lance Roberts1 – 5Team Coulson
Chris Middlemiss 0
Trevor Walker 0
Gavin Wilson 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Lance Roberts: Gavin Rackstraw; Kevin Parken (Scott Hembrough 15); David Mordey; Neil Middlemiss; Chris Middlemiss (Chris Devlin 15); Mark Muers.
Team Coulson: Sean Hodgson; Trevor Walker; Barry Lambert; Danny Coulson; Jason Amour; Mark Kelsey.
Redhouse WMC2 – 0University of Sunderland
Mick Lovstad 0
Stewart Wright 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Paul Lovstad; Scott Harrison; Stewart Wright; Stuart Ramshaw (Paul Duggan 15); Mick Lovstad.
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; Paul Mitchell; Michael Booth; Neil Pilkington; Michael Smillie; George Hanson.
University of Sunderland0 – 1Kail & Co. Ltd
Andrew Lawson 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; Paul Mitchell; Michael Booth; Neil Pilkington; Michael Smillie; George Hanson.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Stephen McBride; Dave Sandy; Andrew Lawson; Mark Pemberton; Steve Clark.
April 24 2001
ALS1 – 5Team Coulson
Simon Brown 0
Trevor Walker 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Russell Coulson 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
ALS: Matts Glenne; Henrik Jagels; Daniel Clark; Øeystein Petterson; Chris Jones; Simon Brown.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Jason Kelsey; Russell Coulson; Trevor Walker; Barry Lambert (Mark Kelsey 15).
Kail & Co. Ltd3 – 1CDS Security
Neil Mavin 0
Andrew Lawson 0
Neil Mavin 0
Shaun Hope 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Dave Sandy; Stephen McBride; Robert Schonewald (Mark Pemberton 15); Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson.
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Chris Exley; Shaun Hope; Neil Riley; Wayne Potts (Steve Dunn 15).
University of Sunderland4 – 1Lance Roberts
Neil Pilkington 0
Neil Pilkington 0
George Hanson 0
George Hanson 0
Mark Muers 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; Paul Mitchell; Neil Pilkington; Michael Smillie; Michael Booth; George Hanson.
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Gavin Rackstraw; Chris Middlemiss; Chris Devlin; Chris Ord; David Mordey (Mark Muers 15).
May 01 2001
Lance Roberts1 – 1ALS
Gavin Rackstraw 0
Simon Brown 0
Lance Roberts: Gavin Rackstraw; Neil Middlemiss; Chris Middlemiss; David Mordey; Chris Ord; Mark Muers.
ALS: Matts Glenne; Adam Clark; Simon Brown; Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Geoff Moorehouse.
University of Sunderland0 – 1Team Coulson
Trevor Walker 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson; Michael Booth; Michael Smillie; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Barry Lambert; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey; Trevor Walker.
May 08 2001
Kail & Co. Ltd3 – 2Lance Roberts
Neil Mavin 0
Andrew Lawson 0
Robert Schonewald 0
Scott Hembrough 0
Kevin Parken 0 Pen
Kail & Co. Ltd: Ian Lowther; Dave Sandy; Stephen McBride; Robert Schonewald; Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson.
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Gavin Rackstraw; Chris Devlin; David Mordey; Mark Muers; Scott Hembrough.
Redhouse WMC5 – 2Sex & Chocolate
Stuart Ramshaw 0
Peter Stevenson 0
Stewart Wright 0
Stewart Wright 0
Stewart Wright 0
Tommy Wilkinson 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Redhouse WMC: Kevin Simpson; Paul Duggan; Paul Lovstad; Stewart Wright; Stuart Ramshaw; Peter Stevenson.
Sex & Chocolate: Dave Gourlay; Samir Selimovic; Mark Fullard; Mark Tearney; Tommy Wilkinson; Neil Morris.
Team Coulson1 – 0ALS
Trevor Walker 0
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey; Trevor Walker; David Elliot.
ALS: Matts Glenne; Simon Brown; Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Geoff Moorehouse; Daniel Clark.
May 15 2001
ALS2 – 3Lance Roberts
Simon Brown 0
Tommy Wilkinson 0
Mark Muers 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
ALS: Matts Glenne; Simon Brown; Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Geoff Moorehouse; Tommy Wilkinson.
Lance Roberts: Lance Rackstraw; Gavin Rackstraw; Neil Middlemiss; Scott Hembrough; Kevin Parken; Mark Muers.
CDS Security2 – 1Sex & Chocolate
Mark Findlay 0
Mark Findlay 0
Samir Selimovic 0
CDS Security: Mark Findlay; Chris Exley; Shaun Hope; Neil Riley; Wayne Potts; Steve Dunn.
Sex & Chocolate: Dave Gourlay; Samir Selimovic; Mark Tearney; Neil Morris; Chris Jones.
May 22 2001
Kail & Co. Ltd0 – 3Sex & Chocolate
Dave Gourlay 0
Neil Morris 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Mark Broad; Dave Sandy; Stephen McBride; Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson; Robert Schonewald.
Sex & Chocolate: Ian Butler; Chris Wray; Dave Gourlay; Peter Daykin; Samir Selimovic; Neil Morris.
Redhouse WMC0 – 2Team Coulson
Trevor Walker 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Mick Lovstad; Paul Lovstad; Peter Stevenson; Stuart Ramshaw; Stewart Wright.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey; Trevor Walker; Russell Coulson.
University of Sunderland1 – 1ALS
Neil Pilkington 0
Simon Brown 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; Michael Booth; Michael Smillie; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell; William Harper.
ALS: Simon Brown; Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Geoff Moorehouse; Daniel Clark; Tommy Wilkinson.
May 29 2001
ALS4 – 1Redhouse WMC
Simon Brown 0
Tommy Wilkinson 0
Tommy Wilkinson 0
Øeystein Petterson 0
Stewart Wright 0
ALS: Henrik Jagels; Øeystein Petterson; Daniel Clark; Geoff Moorehouse; Simon Brown; Tommy Wilkinson.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Stuart Ramshaw; Stewart Wright; Scott Harrison; Peter Stevenson; Paul Lovstad.
Lance Roberts4 – 2Kail & Co. Ltd
Neil Middlemiss 0
Neil Middlemiss 0
Mark Muers 0
Mark Muers 0
Neil Mavin 0
Dave Sandy 0
Lance Roberts: Lance Rackstraw; Kevin Parken; Scott Hembrough; Neil Middlemiss; Mark Muers; Neil Bainbridge.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Mark Broad; Dave Sandy; Stephen McBride; Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson; Robert Schonewald.
Sex & Chocolate1 – 3Team Coulson
Peter Daykin 0
Trevor Walker 0
Trevor Walker 0
Mark Kelsey 0
Sex & Chocolate: Dave Gourlay; Samir Selimovic; Mark Tearney; Neil Morris; Chris Wray; Peter Daykin.
Team Coulson: Danny Coulson; Gavin Wilson; Jason Kelsey; Mark Kelsey; Trevor Walker; Russell Coulson.
University of Sunderland0 – 2CDS Security
Chris Exley 0
Mark Findlay 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson; Michael Booth; Michael Smillie; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell.
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay (Neil Riley 15); Chris Exley; Shaun Hope; Wayne Potts; Ronny Alcock.
June 05 2001
CDS Security1 – 1ALS
Shaun Hope 0
Tommy Wilkinson 0
CDS Security: Gary Brogden; Mark Findlay; Chris Exley; Shaun Hope; Neil Riley; Wayne Potts.
ALS: Dave Borrell; Daniel Clark; Geoff Moorehouse; Adam Parker; Andy Burdis; Tommy Wilkinson.
Kail & Co. Ltd1 – 0ALS
Neil Mavin 0
Kail & Co. Ltd: Dave Sandy; Stephen McBride; Robert Schonewald; Neil Mavin; Andrew Lawson; Mark Broad.
ALS: Dave Borrell; Daniel Clark; Andy Burdis; Adam Parker; Geoff Moorehouse; Tommy Wilkinson.
Sex & Chocolate0 – 1Lance Roberts
Neil Middlemiss 0
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Chris Wray; Dave Gourlay; Stephen Dagg; Samir Selimovic; Peter Daykin.
Lance Roberts: Kevin Parken; Scott Hembrough; Neil Middlemiss; Mark Muers; Neil Bainbridge; David Mordey.
University of Sunderland2 – 1Redhouse WMC
Neil Pilkington 0
Michael Booth 0
Mick Lovstad 0
University of Sunderland: Dave Watson; George Hanson (Michael Smillie 15); Michael Booth; Neil Pilkington; Paul Mitchell; William Harper.
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Peter Stevenson; Paul Lovstad; Mick Lovstad; Paul Duggan; Stuart Ramshaw.
June 12 2001
Redhouse WMC1 – 1Kail & Co. Ltd
Scott Harrison 0
Neil Mavin 0
Redhouse WMC: Andy Stevenson; Peter Stevenson; Mick Lovstad; Scott Harrison; Stewart Wright; Paul Lovstad.
Kail & Co. Ltd: Mark Broad; Stephen McBride; Andrew Lawson; Mark Pemberton; Dave Sandy; Neil Mavin.
Sex & Chocolate4 – 0ALS
Mark Thompson 0
Mark Thompson 0
Samir Selimovic 0
Dave Gourlay 0
Sex & Chocolate: Mark Tearney; Samir Selimovic; Mark Thompson; Chris Wynn; Dave Gourlay; Stephen Dagg.
ALS: Daniel Clark; Geoff Moorehouse; Adam Parker; Andy Burdis; Tommy Wilkinson; Adam Clark.
SFL Season 3 Division 2
1Team Coulson1414005885042
2Sex & Chocolate1470733211221
3Lance Roberts146352730-321
4University of Sunderland145271725-817
5Kail & Co. Ltd145271535-2017
6Redhouse WMC144371826-815
7CDS Security143561426-1214

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