Please note that these apply to only 5-a-side tournaments. TEAM WEAR (IMPORTANT) Identical shirts must be worn by your Team (apart from goalkeeper). Shorts colour must match each other players’ on…
The traffic beats the Tash, and a 5-1 defeat. Sassco traditionally had a huge pre-season programme – sometimes up to 10 games. We usually played higher level teams, but always enjoyed…
Teeb and Teeb Senior = WWC defeat. After a good few months in hibernation, the Tuesday 6-a-side League returned to action in glorious sunshine. 4 WWC FC 1. It was…
Muers is substituted for Sangha. Another depleted squad, but this time, a superb win. Sassco eventually ground Arms Citys down and scored two second half goals to make the 1-1 half-time…
Simma’s conceded nine goals in two games. A chaotic back line, with Simma seemingly forgetting how he was supposed to be a goalkeeper. Even then, it was mistakes all over the…
Revitalised performance. After the midweek chaos, it was back to bare bones again and near panic as Titch decided to go camping two hours before kick off. I managed to get…
Stoker busts Macca’s lip. Dave and Scott Smith, plus Campbell were missing from this expected win. It didn’t start too well. We weren’t under any real threat, but the early goal…
The traffic beats the Tash. On a busy Saturday afternoon, both main routes into Cramlington from our side of the county were struggling with road works. I chose both the wrong…
Pre-season in full swing as Sassco let a 1-0 lead slip. The so called regular cup game against Redhouse FC didn’t materialise during the season, so we managed to get it…
Please note that these apply to all small sided games organised by Sassco. This includes 5, 6, 7 and above -a-side. TEAM WEAR (IMPORTANT) Identical shirts must be worn by your…