Flight details LEEDS BRADFORD to Venice Marco PoloDeparture Friday 09 September 2011 07:30 – 11:00 Flight LS343 Venice Marco Polo to LEEDS BRADFORDDeparture Monday 12 September 201112:05 – 13:40 Flight LS344…
Now fixed on the 22nd to 25th October, due to cheaper flights. Based on 13 people, the actual flight costs will be £134.60. Accommodation (to be confirmed) is the Oasis Hotel, based…
After our late game on Friday (the day we land in Portugal), we’ve been invited into the restaurant/bar in the Imortal Stadium, as they have put on chicken and chips for after the match. Cost…
Good effort, but nothing to show for it. Despite the negative scoreline, it was Sassco’s best 90 minute performance after two poor opening games. But, being realistic, it was just another…