Undefeated in the USA Tour 2015.

Undefeated in the USA Tour 2015.

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Undefeated in the USA Tour 2015.

Game 1: Alphabet City SC 6 Sassco.co.uk 6 | Game 2: Alphabet City 4 Sassco.co.uk 6.

Sassco headed west for the first time ever, after initially attempting a failed Florida tour back in 2006. Nevertheless, after a number of years (and eight European tours), New York was the destination. Only three headed out; Sangha, Gourlay and Dixon, but the idea was to get the opponents to help out.

Alphabet City SC, organised by Randy Kim were the confirmed opponents after a few false starts, including an opponent in Brooklyn. He managed to provide two players Tomasz Kozlowski and Greg Lalas (yes, brother of Alexi Lalas: no joke).

Undefeated in the USA Tour 2015.

We kicked off under the Williamsburg Bridge on the Lower East Side of Manhatten on flat 3G turf (not as bad as Downhill, but the bridge was a bit better than the Wearmouth). Two games were played back to back and Sassco prevailed in both. The first was a 6-6 draw, but the second game, despite being brief, resulted in a 6-4 win for Sassco.co.uk.

A great little set of games. Thanks to Randy Kim for organising. We left a USA soccer ball with them and they also kept the football shirts.

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Undefeated in the USA Tour 2015.