Sweden 2024 itinerary.

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Itinerary updated with tournament and Swedish League game attendance.

Our little jaunt to Stockholm is getting close, so we’ve come up with an itinerary. Times are conformed for most events (thanks to Chris Mitchell at SCBC for arranging). The map further down the page shows the key venues we have. The current confirmed and paid squad list for Sweden is as follows:

  • Davinder Sangha
  • Arjan Sangha
  • Mark McShane
  • John Harper
  • David Gourlay

The timings below have been confirmed. Some players will be travelling on the Wednesday, while the remaining travel on Thursday.

THU9th May08:41
Train to Edinburgh
Players travel to Stockholm from Edinburgh
Arrive in Stockholm
FRI10th May19:00Football on the evening v Stockholm CBC at Kristinesberg
SAT11th May11:00
Football tournament Östermalms IP
Swedish League game: AIK Stockholm v Sirius at Friends Arena
SUN12th May10:00All fly back to Edinburgh

The map below shows the key football venues in Stockholm, as well as hotel and other venues such as the Stockholm stadium, airports and museum, etc.

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