Spain Tour 2010 - Day 2

Spain Tour 2010 – Day 2

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Spain Tour 2010 - Day 2

Tiring day, but unbeaten!

Second day was the difficult day. Two games against lesser opponents; one at around 1pm and the second at 7pm. The opening game saw us play on an outdoor 3G field, which was similar in size to an indoor court. We ran up a deficit of 4-2 against Ashwan FC, before gaining a four or five goal lead in the second half. Tiredness set in before we just scraped through with a 9-8 win. Gourlay was a star, while Gillespie’s mojo had well and truly gone. I spent the most of the second half in goal and remained in goal for the rest of the tour.

Ashwan FC 8 9
Davinder Sangha
Tim Gillespie
Dave Gourlay 5
Mark Edmondson 2
Scott Hembrough 2

Afterwards, the centre-forward for Ashwan FC saved us a tremendous amount of money by giving us a guide on how to use the metro system. We hurtled to the main shopping and bar area for only €1.60 each. Also, thank you to Ash for arranging the game and the venue.

Spain Tour 2010 - Day 2
Sangha, calmly weighing up his options before punting the ball into the box for the big man to nod on.

We didn’t go back to the apartment. A pizza just in the main area, then a bit of wandering about. We managed to catch the Sunderland match in a bar, before returning to the metro to play against ALM FC. Alan Moore, was there waiting for us and the metro station and we played outdoors and only managed a 7-7 draw, despite dominating and watching Scott Hembrough have a disaster of a game.

Thanks to Alan Moore and his team for arranging everything. Much appreciated.

ALM FC 7 7
Davinder Sangha
Mark Edmondson
Dave Gourlay 3
Scott Hembrough 2
Tim Gillespie 2

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Spain Tour 2010 - Day 2