Nine players set for Düsseldorf.

Nine players set for Düsseldorf.

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Nine players set for Düsseldorf.

Three debutantes alongside four regulars and two returnees.

The tour is now fully booked and paid for. The flight takes off just before lunchtime on Friday, the 17th August 2012, from Newcastle to Düsseldorf and returns on the afternoon of the 20th

We’re delighted to have a full set of nine players this time instead of the bare-bones (and creaking legs) we had in Spain 2010 and Italy 2011. The regulars are David Gourlay, Davinder Sangha, Kevin Cooper and Tim Gillespie. However, there are returns for Paul McConville and Chris Dixon, who last saw overseas action in Portugal 2009. Finally, the debutantes are Matthew Downs and Matthew Alldis, two players connected to Paul McConville, and Ed (Edward) Cook, who has been humming and haaing about the tours ever since 2007, when they were first suggested.

So, the full list is:

  • David Gourlay
  • Davinder Sangha
  • Kevin Cooper
  • Tim Gillespie
  • Paul McConville
  • Chris Dixon
  • Matthew Downs
  • Matthew Alldis
  • Edward Cook
Player profiles will be updated.
We have already mentioned one game which is already arranged (against Futsal Lions), but there should be another one arranged for either Friday evening, or Sunday. More to be posted soon.

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Nine players set for Düsseldorf.