Game against Anglo Sports Select arranged.

Game against Anglo Sports Select arranged.

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Game against Anglo Sports Select arranged.

Double header ending on the beach.

Beach football in Nice.Thanks to Mel Aldis (no relation to our Matthew), we have a set of games on Saturday 17th August. The twist is that the second game is to be played on the beach.

Mel’s business is a based in Nice, offering Sport and Fitness. Their clients are a mixture of ex pats, locals and visitors. They actually organise several tournaments and events for a variety of sports and therefore have many contacts throughout the area.

Mel, in his spare time, runs a team to play matches, 5 aside, 6 aside, 11 aside plus 4 v 4 Beach Football against various opponents at many venues. The team is called Anglo Sports Select and is made up of friends, colleagues, clients etc and the standard is the same as ours.

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Game against Anglo Sports Select arranged.