Season 20 League

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Season 20 to span a number of months

After the resounding success from the recent Season 19 Tournament, the particpants requested more regular events. 


Therefore the plan is to have a league containing four/five teams spanning over a number of months. For example, each team would have one or two games on the 21st April, then the next set of games on the 26th May. The teams involved will be the following;

  • (Davinder Sangha)
  • Crown Electrics (Jon Wardle)
  • Redhouse Fusion (Josh Lay)
  • Carpet Centres Elite (Steve Farrer)
  • The Blizzard (David Gourlay)
  • UCS Renewables (Stewart Wright / Paul Lovstad)

The full kit rule applies. Crown and O’Brien FC (now called Carpet Centres Elite) struggled (albeit sliightly), but Sassco always have high standards. Games will hopefully be recorded and we are looking at attempting live streaming.

EveryoneActiveLogoColThe venue will be Washington Leisure Centre. It’s best to park at ASDA or the Bowling Alley and walk round as it’s difficult to park in the centre car park.

Contact details are as follows:

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