Toddy’s 11-a-side player details.


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Toddys and Sassco


Tarnjit Sangha –Manager

If William Harper is the prime motivator of the Toddy’s team. Tarnjit Sangha is seen as the prime visionary in the path the team hopes to be upon. Tarnjit has been involved in local football for the past 15 years, considering his age of 30, few can say they have learned so much by such a tender age. As a youth, Tarnjit played for the hugely successful Whitburn C.A side, which during one season lifted four trophies. From there on, he decided to turn his luck at the management role. At the age of 18, he found himself Assistant Manager, and sole sponsor of Thorney Close Y.C in the premier Division of the then hugely successful Wearside Combination League. Subsequent years saw him sponsoring numerous teams, in both 11-a-side and latterly  6-a-side football. Toddy’s, saw Tarnjit make a long awaited return to 11-a-side soccer. Tarnjit is rumoured to be the brains behind what is currently occurring at Toddy’s F.C. He has been responsible for all the recent new signings at the club. With William Harper by his side, the sky really is the limit. Sangha has publicly stated, he would like to see Toddy’s play in the Northern League in the next four years. Next seasons step up to the Durham Alliance League is a sign that the ultimate ambition of both William Harper and Tarnjit Sangha could well become reality. Watch this space.


The Butterman

Famed physio with his box of delights. No one’s sure where he comes from, but having smeared butter over Gilby’s legs, it resulted in two goals and no cautions…….genius.


Andy McNaught





Davinder Sangha

Part-time defender, but more importantly, controller and designer of the web site and all of Toddy’s literature. Davinder was initially added to the staff as a defender, but as far as he is concerned, a full time role as a defender is not too important. More geared towards the “marketing” of His profession as a graphic designer has considerably helped to lift Toddy’s out of the clone look of other 11-a-side teams to something more dynamic, modern and internet ready. As an organiser, his abilities are second to none. Creating a concept Six-a-Side league has now developed into the finest organised and most professionally run Six-a-Side in the region ( Initially it was his JDI League, played on Tuesday at the Community North Complex in Downhill, which has introduced the likes of the Jackson twins, Ryan McNaught, Neil Middlemiss as well as more experienced players such as John Young, Anthony Langan to Toddy ’s. He runs a team in the league named Sassco which contains Stephen Ridley, Gordon Robson from Toddy’s as well as key players such as Paul Mouat from Redhouse WMC and others.

A large amount of players also play in the league, including Gary Gettins, John Coomber from The Club and Anthony Morrison from Roseberry Leisure amongst numerous others, also play in the same stage as




Darren Lewis

Darren became the Toddy’s goalkeeper by chance, when he was called upon to fill the role during one game. Since then he has excelled. Technique wise, he has a lot to learn, but as a shot stopper there is no better keeper in the league. He is prone to lapses in concentration, especially when defending crosses. However, I am fully confident that as the season progresses, he will, as he has over the past three seasons come on leaps and bounds.

Gary Davison

Gary is our only Goal Keeper who actually trained at his profession. As a youngster he had the opportunity to go along way, but other factors stumped his progress. Gary also made his name while playing for in Six-A-Side competition. He has just completed a hugely successful season for Sunderland Select as they were crowned Champions in the JDI Consulting Football League and Champions and Cup winners in the AGUK.Net League. Technically, Gary is the most adept of our Goal Keepers. His only problem is something he can do nothing about, his height. But his athleticism should see to that. Gary has yet to make his debut for Toddy ’s. The forthcoming season should see that achieved.



John Young

It’s no secret that have been on the lookout for a commanding central defender since the end of the last campaign. The fact that the team conceded over 80 goals last season determined it. I am pleased to announce, have signed one of the best in the business. John Young. As a youngster, John had trials with Blackburn F.C, he currently plays for the excellent Hylton Castle Arms F.C on a Sunday morning. A side that is fully expected to be crowned champions come the end of the season. At the time of writing, John will have already played his first game for I am fully confident he will have impressed enough to not only determine a successful career with the team, but to help the side to push for all the major honours this season.


Ryan McNaught

Ryan will be making his debut for Toddy’s this coming season. His natural position is Right-Back, but he can virtually play in any position along the back four. Ryan has played four times for Toddy’s during the pre-season games. Each time he has impressed mightily. In fact he has played so well, there is little doubt in my mind that he has secures himself a regular berth in the Toddy’s line up. All facets of his game are impeccable. As the management, we were concerned his lack of physical stature due to his age may be a problem. These doubts were totally extinguished while watching him go into challenges during the friendly games. One to watch this season.

Gavin Wilson

Gavin signed for Toddy’s around half way through season 2000/01. to majority of the Toddy’s players he was a bit of an unknown quantity. Like Ryan McNaught, Gavin is a player who can fill any position along the back line, but I feel his favoured role is that of Centre Half. I made a bold move by bringing him straight into the Toddy’s set-up. The move could have upset a few players. To tell you the truth it probably did. But in my opinion I was fully vindicated as Gavin quickly settled in and proved to be an excellent defender. His strengths are undoubtedly his physical presence. He is a very difficult player to ‘knock’ off the ball. His passing is superb, whether it be long or short. He is prone however to appear a little uninterested at times. But this is only in demeanour not attitude. I expect him to be around along time in football. I hope a great amount of that time will be with Toddy’s.

Patrick Walsh

One of the stalwarts of the Toddy’s set up. Patrick has been their from the start. He is a vital member of the team. His role as Centre Half is so influential. His aerial ability is unsurpassed. Very rarely does any member of the opposition beat him in the air. He is quite a dab hand on the ground as well. Patrick has the fastest acceleration of any player in the Toddy’s side. As you can probably imagine, this ability goes along way to making him one of the best defenders in the league. However, Patrick is prone to letting off the field events disturbing his performances on the field. Problems aside, Patrick is a sure fire contender to fulfil his dream of captaining the side this season.

Liam Dingwall

Like Patrick Walsh, Liam is one of the stalwarts of the Toddy’s set-up. He has been there from the start. Team coach William Harper; said of Liam “he would be in my side at all times”. Few others in the team match Dingwall’s attitude. In fact alongside Steven Ridley, Liam is the most professional in terms of attitude and application. His original position was that of Right- Back, but has since been converted to Left – Back. It was a role he was only supposed to have in a stopgap capacity, but has been a revelation ever since. Liam has been criticised for his lack of ‘footballing’ ability by some factions within the team. If you had seen him in the latter half of last season, these  accusations would soon have been quashed. Fine player.

Gary Jackson (Twin)

More details will be posted here…

Alan Elliot

More details will be posted here…

Chris Middlemiss

More details will be posted here…

William Harper

More details will be posted here…

Gary Gilby

A young and very promising full – back, who spent most of last season on the sidelines, until by chance he was brought into cover at Centre – Half and excelled in his role. Not very big to look at, and certainly a little quiet off the pitch, but once on it, he is as committed as anyone. Unfortunately, it is here he lets himself down. Gary is prone to completely losing his head on occasions, thus his red card tally reads not so good. Must control his temperament, or will find himself again on the sidelines this season. However, if he does manage to prevent the ‘red mist’ from ascending, Gary will certainly be an integral part of the set-up.



Gordon Robson

A long suspension kept Gordon out of the team for the first part of last season. His lengthy absence became such an issue that he left the side through his continued omission from the starting line up. His argument was that he was ‘too good’ to be standing on the sidelines. I personally got involved and forced him to come back into the team and prove himself. To this day I can say he did not let anyone down. He was the key difference in last seasons Cup Semi Final against Federal Mogul when he came on and changed the whole complexion of the game, to such an extent that his 30 minutes on the pitch earned him a M-o-M award. Has virtually made the Right Midfield position his own. A key part of the Toddy’s team from an attacking sense.

Steven Ridley

Probably alongside Patrick Walsh the most influential player in the team. Without doubt the most consistent performer. Controversially left Toddy’s at the end of their first season. It was his professional approach and Toddy’s complete lack of it that led to his departure. Steven played for Dunsford Business Supplies, but even though he quickly established himself as a vital part of their team, he found he couldn’t settle. Both William and I had at that time well and truly took over the reigns at Toddy’s, and the professional approach Ridley was looking for had finally arrived. Once he was back in the fold, he excelled at his game and has never looked back. Steven has even recently been given the honour of captaining the team in the continued absence of Gary Jackson. Vital to Toddy’s future ambitions. An exceptional player.

Dean Wardle

Dean is the classic Central midfield player. He is tall, very skilful on the ball, and hugely thoughtful off it. What he lacks in pace, he makes up in intelligence. Dean is the type of player who could quite easily play the match from the centre circle. He has exceptional passing ability, with a fair powerful shot to go with it. He is prone however, to the odd lapse in concentration, and does sometimes try the rather over the top back heel. With Toddy’s having such an array of talent for the Midfield positions, Dean at some points last season seemed to feel he was at the end of the queue. But judging by his performances in the pre-season games, that no longer seems to be the order of the day.

Lee Tait

Without doubt one of the most competitive players not only in the Toddy’s side, but the entire League. Lee has all the assets required to be the complete player. He has a wonderful array of passing ability, and is excellent at set pieces, he can also certainly strike a ball. But alongside all that, he is also one of the toughest tacklers I have seen. Indeed it is his tackling and aggression that sets him apart from so many, but it is also what could lead to his downfall. It is surely only a matter of time before he falls foul of a referee, and his numerous yellow cards could eventually turn to red. But to take this facet from his game would be to take his strength away. He must find a balance that can excel his game to a higher level. Lee’s other big downfall is his outspokenness. There has been many times where he has clashed with Coach William Harper, over a great many issues ranging from him being substituted to particular signings the Management have made. However, it would be wrong to try to take any of this away from him. It is all these characteristics that make him the player he is. Toddy’s through and through. 

Neil Middlemiss

Neil may well prove to be one of the most important signings of the year for Toddy’s F.C if judging by his two performances so far this season are anything to go by. Seen as a Right Winger or Centre Forward, circumstances forced the Management to play Neil as a Left Winger. The word ‘revelation’ continuingly comes to mind. Two M-o-M in just two games, made more amazing by the fact he had only played one pre-season friendly with the squad justifies Neil’s claims to a regular spot in the Toddy’s first team line up. With the Addition of Stephen ‘Pud’ Jackson to the team, it is going to be a major headache for the Management as to who to play, or even to see if the two of them can be accommodated. But all Managers will tell you. It is the type of problem that is nice to have.


Gary Jackson

One of the most consistent players of last season. Gary Jackson was made Captain, and did not do anything to the detriment of his role. His role was that of Left Midfield, and for all of last season was one of the players whose name was first on the team sheet. His ability to cross the ball resulted in a great many goals for Toddy’s. Along with Steven Ridley, Gary could be considered one of the most intelligent players in a footballing sense in the squad. At times during last seasons campaign, it was this asset that got us through a great many games. Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond his control, Gary may well miss a large part of this season. It is hoped during this absence on the pitch, he will contribute his considerable talents off the pitch.


Stephen Jackson

Toddy’s have great expectations of Stephen Jackson this season. At the age of 17, Stephen has already made a huge name for himself on the football front. A predominantly left sided player, it’s no surprise to anyone that his major role this season will be as a Left Winger. Stephen has played just once this season and that was in a friendly against Hogan’s F.C. It took him a little time to get involved into the game, but once he did, there was absolutely no stopping him. His shooting ability belies his age and physique, in that he possesses such a ferocious shot. A truly great prospect for Toddy’s. it is hoped his addition to the squad will give it the vital impetus to go and challenge for all the major honours this season.


Joe Middleton

Extremely tough, combative, and ‘good looking’ player. For the majority of his Toddy’s career, Joe has played at right fullback. But this season has seen the management revert him to his more favoured position as right wing. The management expect great things from Middleton this season, but to expect great things, Joe surly has to figure in far more games than he did last season. You could blame this partly on the management, but part of the blame has to lie at Joe’s feet. One of Middleton’s greatest downfalls is his temperament. Far too many suspensions throughout his career has led to Joe not fulfilling his potential. It is hoped for the benefit of the team, and Joe himself, that he will have learned to control his aggression, not stem it. To take his aggression away completely will be to the absolute detriment of his game.



Scott Hembrough

More details will appear here.


John Hunt

A twist of fate, resulted in one of the ‘finds’ of last season for Toddy’s. Originally seen as a Centre Half, John Hunt was thrust into the striking role last season as a gamble. How it paid off. With over 30 goals to his credit come the end of the season, John Hunt has made his mark as a prolific forward. To look at him, you would think his biggest strength would be his aerial ability. Amazingly, it is his weakness. John’s greatest strength is to have the football at his feet. However, he is much criticised for dwelling on the ball too long, and maybe not releasing it at the right time. For John to succeed at a higher level, this is a trait he will have to overcome. But putting this one criticism apart, his role with Stephen Wilson in attack was the most prolific in the league last season. At the time of writing, both had already scored 4 goals in two games. Business as usual it seems.


Stephen Wilson

To look at Stephen, you would be hard pressed to convince someone who does not know him that here you have a striker who is one of the fastest, most aggressive, and one of the hardest hitters of a ball in the league. Very thinly built, and of average stature, Wilson has made a huge reputation for himself. Nearly 40+ goals last season (even with a four week layoff) is a stunning return for any striker. Stephen is considered the pivotal point of the Toddy ’s attack. His only weakness, is a psychological one. If things are not going his way, Stephen is at times liable to lose all composure completely. This has seen him get yellow cards due to rash challenges etc. It is felt that a really good Centre Half, would get the better of Stephen due to this trait. The Management has told him this. It is only hoped that he has taken it on board. I have no doubt, with Stephen regarded as one of the best Strikers in the league, self composure is something that he is going to need in abundance this ensuing campaign.


Simon Williamson

More details will be posted here…


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