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McDermont concussed – wakes up thinking he’s Danny Dichio.

It was when he was off getting no treatment that we scored the winner. The game was up and down up to that point.

We probably had our strongest team out to date, with Dixon returning and Gourlay making an appearance once we had our win from the previous game. The spine of the side was the same as always, with Col Robson and Nelly up top, Gareth Greener and Bear in the middle and Whelam partnered by Dixon. Black was on the right, Mac on the left, while Gourlay was wasted at left back. I was right back and Turnbull in goal.

The conditions saw their ‘keeper have a wobbler when he struggled to catch Nelly’s opener. We were okay in the first half. Defending reasonably deep, getting them on the break. We were quite comfortable.

However, second half saw them break Dixon’s “offside trap” to equalise. They did it again soon after as the game turned. The back line were getting higher and higher up the pitch which is not what I wanted. Dixon decided to shout offside on my behalf, while the rest of them were shouting at me for shouting “Keeper!” In my defence, I had been playing with David Simpson for years; the only keeper without a voice.

Luckily, moments after they scored, Nelly scored a spectacular one to equalise. It was then that Macca took a beating in a 50-50 and had to go off. Our spirits rose and as soon as he started stirring, itching to get on, Gareth Greener scored the superb the winner before he could.

Our second win in as many games leaves the team (whoever turns up for the following one) quite confident.

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