Sassco and Newcastle Science City.

Sassco and Newcastle Science City.

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Sassco and Newcastle Science City.

Newcastle Science City logoSassco have been invited, and are likely to take part (in some form or another) in a training experiment involving Newcastle Science City (

Eric Foch, Lead Innovater, contacted us regarding a “project offering video support to amateurs sportsmen and women, for fun or for training purposes.” The prototype will run in February or March. It will be directly pluggable to the Internet, which makes it compatible with the way use the website as a focal point of every activity we do (which is why were were contacted).

I have already described the make up of the team, notably Mark Muers, and it seems the project will be able to help him to improve his fitness.

Early days, but more information will be added in January. Will keep all posted.

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Sassco and Newcastle Science City.