Sounds better than it actually was.

A shambles of a performance from start to finish. Mistakes were being made by everyone and the result wasn’t surprising in the end.
Being a Sunday game, we couldn’t get the likes of Jimmy, Titch, Farq and Dave Graham in. Dixon was also missing, but we managed to get a total of twelve players there. The side was cobbled together and I only did the line up on the back of an envelope around half an hour before kick off. In hindsight, it was the wrong line up, but we should have gone ahead earlier in the game. Leam Lane were actually of the same standard as Thomas Wilson, but we were not clinical like last Saturday.
Anth Langan came in for a belated debut after some regular six-a-side appearances back in the early 2000’s and celebrated with a goal. However, it came at the end when we were 4-0 down. Both Pea and Muers were ill or injured and Pea came off first. Muers, hobbling around at the back, miraculously gained a new lease of life when I placed him in attack and bombed from left to right, nearly getting a goal in the process. Our problem was that we wanted to walk it in. No shots were taken from outside the area and to be honest, Macca, Pea and Si had shocking games. With an already depleted team, we really needed to be on top of our game and were way too complacent. Tim came back for his first in ages and had a decent game.

A good run out for fitness, but a poor performance. The camcorder was in action, but luckily the battery ran out once Pea decided to become the next Francis Ford Coppola by opening the view screen and draining the battery. Well done Pea; I think you missed their last two goals (and ours!). I’ll try and upload the limited highlights regardless.
The Tash might have his work cut out for him, but in reality, were always going to struggle playing on a Sunday.